This is dedicated to Travis. YOU'RE WELCOME.
Liars--this includes those liars who lie by "omission."
Men who think that women are so complicating and hard to understand--we really don't expect that much from you. i'm serious. it's the little things that make us happy so shoot us a text in the morning to wish us a good day or bring us chocolate when we're PMSing (yes, we do that) or hell, be bold and give us a call when you want to talk to us. again, it's the LITTLE THINGS.
It's really hard being a girl. Nothing is crazier than all the standards and expectations we have to be a certain way...we will always feel like we're lacking something; we will always look at those trashy magazines and wish we didn't have cellulite on our ass like we're SURE olivia wilde doesn't, or wish we could make our hair less frizzy (that's when a girl's hair has more volume but not in a good way...humidity usually does this) like jennifer aniston, whom never, ever seems to have this problem.
Humidity (see above)
Hayden Panettiere
Dramatic changes in behavior--i.e. when a guy texts you EVERYDAY, a couple times a day, and then abruptly stops, there should be no surprise that we ask/wonder what has happened or changed; no, this does not make us "crazy" or "possessive." we are normal and functional human beings who want to make sure we're not dealing with idiot/asshole boys who like to change their minds on a whim.
Being told to "calm down" or "chill out" when we're actually quite fine; raising our voices and getting agitated does not mean we are having a freak-out.
"Are you PMSing or something?"
Other females who flirt with every breathing male.
When men lose interest in our lives and/or would rather be hanging out with their "boys." If you want to act like a 14 year-old, then please just do us a favor and break up with us.
When we're out with a dude and he won't quit checking out every other woman in the room; i.e. waitresses, bartenders, any girl with a skirt on.
**some of these are subject to change and/or be added to...
i would like to add football season, bragging about your lame job/car, texting us all day everyday wanting to hang out but when the time comes flaking over and over because you're scared, bud light, asking - "so what are your hobbies?" .. how does anyone answer that?, consistent ironic or 'inside' statements & jokes (oh, hipsters), hayden panettiere (just had to reiterate that one), and, last but definitely not least--sleeveless muscle shirts (can i get a 'dealbreaker,' ladies?!)
ReplyDeletei would also like to add how happy it made me that your post about guys who all they do is hang out their boys is supplemented by a picture of the backstreet boys. so hood.
flaking is a good one. and bud light is totes annoying.